Located in Orange County California, Mission Viejo is what is known as a master-planned community. It is among the largest which were ever built in the United States. The city is suburban in nature, largely residential and according to all statistics, is one of the safest cities in the United States.
The way in which Mission Viejo is designed means that the look and feel of your property is all important. The housing and the businesses in Mission Viejo are nearly uniformly designed in a Spanish style. They feature stucco walls, roof tiles which are of the barrel tile type, and are adobe-like in nature. This is due to a large extent to the developer–Donald Bren–being quite obsessed with the Spanish styling and architecture.
Back Yard Decoration-Fountains and Water Features
The decorating style in Mission Viejo, with the Spanish influence, includes garden and backyard adornments which are also Spanish in their influence. One of the main items which will be found in the backyards and gardens of homes in Mission Viejo, as well as in the business yard or garden is a fountain. Water features are heavily used in the area. They range from Spanish influenced design to nearly Victorian in nature, featuring cherubs, ornate spouts and statuettes from which the water emits.
Adding a water feature to your garden can evoke a whole new range of emotions. Water features can afford a new feeling, a new and more sensory experience to your relaxing back yard haven. A fountain will imbue your back yard with the healing and restorative sounds of flowing water, and can serve as a very attractive focal point in any garden. Mission Viejo fountains come in all shapes and sizes. The vast array of styles make them a wonderful way to add interest to your garden. The different styles include freestanding, wall-mounted, and even layered or tiered fountains are available. Disappearing fountains are also an option when the space that you have is limited, offering the same lovely sounds and sights while saving space in your backyard.
Your fountain will require some regular maintenance to keep it flowing and lovely. Monthly maintenance is the best way to ensure that your fountain will last. Just as your car requires regular maintenance, so does the fountain in your yard. The fountain will lose water over the course of time and must be refilled. Using distilled water to fill it will ensure that it remains free from sediment and keep away excessive minerals. While costly, having a water filter installed will allow you to have the same benefits. Each fountain will require being filled regularly. You may, depending on the environment be required to change the water in the fountain, to clean the fountain and to engage in Mission Viejo pond fountain repair.
We take care of different fountains like:
Ponds and Other Water Features
Aside from backyard fountains, other water features can offer you that same look and feel, the same relaxing atmosphere. Ponds, particularly those which house fish or floral growth can be a beautiful part of your back yard. Your pond can literally transform your backyard space into a place to relax, to unwind and to enjoy spending time with friends and family. When you place a decorative fountain or a pond near the entry way or in a strategic sitting area in your backyard, you’ve given yourself a chance to enjoy the outdoors just a little more.
Ponds come in a wide range of styles today. From very small and kidney shaped, to very large and even layered or tiered with waterfalls incorporated in the pond, your choices are literally endless.
Ponds too require some measure of maintenance and may require pond fountain services in Mission Viejo CA in order to effect proper care and maintenance of your pond. Quite often hiring a professional to accomplish the maintenance and repair will be less costly in terms of time and financial outlay than trying to accomplish it yourself.
Here are types of ponds that we are currently service:
Whether you have a large back yard or a small one with very limited space, there is a water feature which will suit your desires and your budget. Having installed your pond or fountain in Mission Viejo, ensuring that it receives the proper maintenance is a necessary part of ownership.
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